Plot-Based Urbanism (Working Paper)

Ref: Porta, S. Romice, O. (2010), Plot-Based Urbanism: Towards Time-Consciousness in Place-Making, Working Papers of the Urban Design Studies Unit at University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. Download Plot-Based Urbanism. Some of us have recently argued that what we still miss is the serious consideration of the factor of time in urbanism, or, in …

Articles 2011: Street Centrality in Barcelona in Urban Studies

Ref: Porta, S. Latora, V. Wang, F. Rueda, S. Strano, E. Scellato, S. Cardillo, A. Belli, E. Cardenas, F. Cormenzana, B. Latora, L. (2011), Street Centrality and the Location of Economic Activities in Barcelona, «Urban Studies», May 2012; vol. 49, 7: pp. 1471-1488. ***   *** Download the paper. The …

The ECTS Workshop at University of Strathclyde

UDSU, in partnership with ICSS Institute of Complex System at Strathclyde, organizes the Evolution of Complex Transportation Networks (ECTN) Workshop to be held at University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, on 29-30 August 2011. The list of invited speaker includes: Dr. Marc Barthélemy Institute of Theoretical Physics, CEA, Saclay, France. Prof. Andy …

Articles 2010: Geospatial analysis and living urban geometry

Ref: Pagliardini, P. Porta, S. Salingaros, N. (2010), Geospatial analysis and living urban geometry, in Jiang B, Yao XA (eds), Geospatial Analysis and Modelling of Urban Environments: Structure and Dynamics, Springer, New York, p.331-353. ***   *** This essay outlines how to incorporate morphologic rules within the exigencies of our …

Articles 2010: Networks in Urban Design: six years of MCA research

Ref: Porta, S., Latora, V., & Strano, E. (2010). Networks in Urban Design: six years of research in Multiple Centrality Assessment. In E. Estrada, M. Fox, D. Higham, & G. L. Oppo (Eds.), Network science: complexity in nature and technology (pp. 107-130). London, UK: Springer. ***   *** Multiple Centrality …

Articles 2010: ‘Emergent Neighborhoods’ model and ‘400mts Rule’

Ref: Mehaffy M, Porta S, Rofè Y, Salingaros N, 2010, Urban nuclei and the geometry of streets: The ‘emergent neighborhoods’ model, Urban Design International, 15-1, p.22-46. ***   *** A controversy remains among planners and urban designers about the proper location of the non-residential core (nucleus) of a neighborhood in relation …

Articles 2010: Network Kernel Density of activities in Barcelona

Ref: Produit T, Lachance N, Strano E, Porta S, Joost S, 2010, A network based Kernel Density Estimator applied to Barcelona economic activities, in Taniar et al. (eds.), ICCSA 2010: Part I. ***   *** This paper presents a methodology to compute an innovative density indicator of spatial events. The methodology …

Articles 2010: Centrality and land use intensity in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Ref: Wang F, Antipova A, Porta S, 2010, Street centrality and land use intensity in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Journal of Transport Geography, In press. ***   *** This paper examines the relationship between street centrality and land use intensity in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Street centrality is calibrated in terms of …