Articles 2007: Analyse du réseau des voiries urbaines: une approche directe (French)

Ref: Porta S, Crucitti P, Latora V (2006), Analyse du réseau des voiries urbaines: une approche directe, «Géomatique Expert», 53, 56-71. Download the paper ***   *** «Entre lesquelles l’une des premières fut que je m’avisai de considérer que souvent il n’y a pas tant de perfection dans les ouvrages …

Articles 2006: The network analysis of urban streets: a primal approach

Ref: Porta S, Crucitti P, Latora V. (2006), The network analysis of urban streets: a primal approach, «Environment and Planning B: planning and design», 33 5, 705-725. Download the paper ***   *** The network metaphor in the analysis of urban and territorial cases has a long tradition, especially in …

Articles 2006: The network analysis of urban streets: a dual approach

Ref: Porta S, Crucitti P, Latora V (2006), The network analysis of urban streets: a dual approach, «Physica A, Statistical mechanics and its applications», 369, 853–866. Download the paper ***   *** The application of the network approach to the urban case poses several questions in terms of how to …

Articles 2006: Centrality measures in spatial networks of urban streets

Ref: Crucitti P, Latora V, Porta S (2006), Centrality measures in spatial networks of urban streets, «Physical Review E», 73, 036125. Download the paper ***   *** We study centrality in urban street patterns of different world cities represented as networks in geographical space. The results indicate that a spatial …

Articles 2006: What if Icarus chooses the labyrinth? (Italian+English)

Ref: Porta S (2006), What if Icarus chooses the labyrinth?, in Porta S (ed), ‘Il più lungo errore del mondo?’ Il recupero dei quartieri di edilizia sociale: una questione anche disciplinare, Libreria Clup, Milano, 103-115. Download the paper ***   *** This article is the transcription of my talk at …

Articles 2006: ‘The world’s longest mistake’? Sustainable urban design and the renovation of social housing estates (Italian+English)

Ref: Porta S (2006), ‘The world’s longest mistake”? Sustainable urban design and the renovation of social housing estates: also a disciplinary problem, in Porta S (ed), ‘ ‘Il più lungo errore del mondo?’ Il recupero dei quartieri di edilizia sociale: una questione anche disciplinare’, Libreria Clup, Milano, 5-15.“ Download the paper …

Articles 2006: Structural properties of planar graphs of urban street patterns

Ref: Cardillo A, Scellato S, Latora V, Porta S (2006), Structural properties of planar graphs of urban street patterns, «Physical Review E», 73, 066107. Download the paper ***   *** Recent theoretical and empirical studies have focused on the structural properties of complex relational networks in social, biological, and technological systems. …

Articles 2005: Linking urban design to sustainability

Ref: Porta S, Renne J. (2005), Linking urban design to sustainability: formal indicators of social urban sustainability field research in Perth, Western Australia, «Urban Design International», 10 1, 51-64. Download the paper ***   *** The making of a livable urban community is a complex endeavor. For much of the …