Emanuele speaking at Artificial Life Conference- Odense

Emanuele will be speaking soon at the Artificial Life Conference- Odense, next 19-23 August 2010. He is presenting his latest research in collaboration with Jeff Jones and Andrew Adamatzky of the International Center for Unconventional Computing,University of the West of England, Bristol. This is the abstract: “Our research aims at studying to what …

Our ‘Emergent Neighbourhoods’ model reviewed on Planetizen

Link to article on Planetizen. Fanis Grammenos has reviewed our article on Urban Design International on the ‘Emergent Neighborhood’ model. Fanis has caught the profound potential of the model and its manifold implications for urban design culture. Fanis argues: “While absent in academia, Alexander still exerts influence in these two …

The Code’s Project

This website (http://codesproject.asu.edu/) is an anthology of the codes, laws and related documents that have created, or sought to create, particular urban forms. It is a searchable archive drawn from a broad array of historical documents. Documents have been selected from around the world, and from all time periods. Both …

An essay on functional classification of roadways by Laurence Aurbach

Do not miss this beautiful and comprehensive article by Laurence Aurbach on pedhsed.net . Find the whole article here. An exerpt from the Introduction: “Every field has its foundational working concepts and the field of traffic engineering is no exception. It has a concept called functional classification, which is the …

The open-day held in 2008 as part of our Urban Design course at Polytechnic. Guest speaker: Nikos Salingaros

Download the flyer Download Nikos’ presentation Nikos Salingaros came visiting our Urban Design course at Polytechnic of Milan in the summer of 2008. He gave a lecture to our students and many other staff members, scholars and students in the morning, then helped in a pre-grading review of student’s works …