MScUD 2009-10: final examination works: Chris Kelly.

This is the final examination work of student Christopher Kelly. Students were requested to summarise in a space equivalent to six A1 panels their achievements across the whole year, with a particular emphasis on the last phase, that of Masterplanning. Download panel 1 Download panel 2 Download panel 3 Download …

MScUD 2009-10: Block analysis and Local Urban Code (LUC).

Download Block Analysis, panel 1 Download Block Analysis, panel 2 Download Local Urban Code (LUC) Urban codes are rules established by urban designers to guide and control the work of all those who will animate the building process in urban areas which are subjected to the code. Form-based codes are …

MScUD 2009-10: Students’ strategy, group 4: taking Govan back to work.

Download panel 1 Download panel 2 Students: Gareth Jackson, Delia Schulz, Lindsay Pratt, Mark Feeley, Fiona Murphy, Sarah Jane Laverick, Leroy Thompson, Ross Middleton. The emerging sub-sea and renewable energy sectors have been identified as industries that could get the Clyde working again for generations to come. With large sites …

MScUD 2009-10: Students’ strategy, group 3: the asset

Download panel 1 Download panel 2 Students: Raymond Brown, Zarith Abu-Zahri, Elizabeth Smith, Gillian Black, Elyssa Wylie, Yasmin Jilaihawi, Peter Russell. Our vision for the future is to create a barrier free, regional centre populated with residents, visitors, and newcomers who feel safe, welcome, and filled with optimism, opportunity, and …

MScUD 2009-10: Students’ strategy, group 2: rediscover Govan

Download panel 1 Download panel 2 Students: John MacLean, Roberta Bufi, Darren Baird, Laura Wallace, Christopher Kelly, Syed Zaidi, Kumtak Wong, Nornawar Nordin. The aim is: –       To exploit the outstanding historic and natural attributes , breathing new life to the town centre restoring a strong positive identity to Govan. …

MScUD 2009-10: Students’ strategy, group 1: giving back confidence, opportunity and a future

Download panel 1 Download panel 2 Students: William Ewing, Victoria Smith, David Howel, Mahanim Abdullah, Duncan MacLean, Kirsten O’Hare, Mariana Gouveia. In 25 years time, Govan will be recognised as a revitalised urban quarter within Glasgow. Our Vision: New employment achieved by a Marine Energy Centre in the long-term linked …

MScUD 2009-10: Students’ analysis, group 6: network analysis of streets

Download panel 1 Download panel 2 Students: Ross Middleton, Peter Russell, Mariana Gouveia, Kum-Tak Wong, Leroy Thompson. From the Brief: “Scope:   “No matter how good its offering, merchandising, or customer service, every retail company still has to contend with three critical elements of success: location, location, and location” (Taneja, …