Articles 2012: Elementary processes on Nature SR!

Ref: Strano, E. Nicosia, V. Latora, V. Porta, S. Barthelemy, M. (2012), Elementary processes governing the evolution of road networks, Nature Scientific Report, in print online. Link to the paper on Nature SR. Nature Asia-Pacific. EurekAlert. Urbanisation is a fundamental phenomenon whose quantitative characterisation is still inadequate. We report here the empirical analysis …

GALE: UDSU awarded £1M EPSRC grant

UDSU (Prof. Sergio Porta) in partnership with University of Cambridge (PI) (Computer Lab, Dr. Cecilia Mascolo) and Queen Mary University of London (School of Mathematical Sciences – Complex Systems, Prof. Vito Latora) has been awarded almost £1M by EPSRC for a project named GALE: Global Accessibility to Local Experience. The project has …

The Prince’s Foundation and UDSU: collaborative agreement for a mutually invested future of education

The Prince’s Foundation has announced a Collaborative Agreement with the University of Strathclyde focusing on education and research in architecture and urban design. Collaboration between the two organisations will officially begin in September 2012.  The collaboration with Strathclyde will contribute to The Prince’s Foundation’s building skill portfolio and become a …

22nd IAPS Conference in Glasgow, June 24th-29th 2012

The University of Sheffield, The University of Strathclyde and the University of West of Scotland are pleased to announce that the 22nd IAPS Conference entitled, Human Experience in the Natural and Built Environment: Implications for Research Policy and Practice, will take place at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow from the 24th …

Articles 2011: Street Centrality in Barcelona in Urban Studies

Ref: Porta, S. Latora, V. Wang, F. Rueda, S. Strano, E. Scellato, S. Cardillo, A. Belli, E. Cardenas, F. Cormenzana, B. Latora, L. (2011), Street Centrality and the Location of Economic Activities in Barcelona, «Urban Studies», May 2012; vol. 49, 7: pp. 1471-1488. ***   *** Download the paper. The …

Students’ feedback 2011

We made it. It seemed impossible, but we made it. Doing it better than last year looked really difficult, as the students’ feedback was excellent after our Govan course in 2009-2010. And here we go, This is our students’ feedback 2010-2011, which refers to our course at the Barras. After all, …

MScUD 2009-10: final examination works: Darren Baird + Mark Feeley

This is the final examination work of students Darren Baird and Mark Feeley. This work won the first “LUC” prize, meaning that it was recognized as best work of the year. LUC stands for Local Urban Code, see what that is about here. Pictures of the prize assignation by the …